Mythic Legions
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- Mythic Legions: Azhar
Raised from the Netherrealm ages ago by the dark sorcerer Poxxus, Azhar and his brother Zazhar are the central powers behind The Circle of Poxxus. Imbued with the gift of creation, Azhar has the power to create life where none…
€ 69,99 - Mythic Legions: Zenithon
Long thought to be the product of an unusual union between Angel and Orc blood, the Oraphim of Mythoss are a race often found on the outskirts of society where they seek to avoid unwanted interest. Xylernia has often been a refuge…
€ 69,99 - Mythic Legions: Swigg
Goblins are the smallest and least powerful of the Impure, a fact which has long bothered King No'Glin. Wishing to increase the importance of the goblin army to the machinations of Gorgo Aetherblade, the goblin king has tasked his…
€ 64,99 - Mythic Legions Lijae of the Elite Elven Guard
The kingdoms of Xylernia and Leandorr have a long history of working together as the two most unlikely, and yet also the closest, of allies in the Legions of Light. Along the border of these kingdoms is a blended unit comprised of…
€ 64,99 - Mythic Legions: Poxxus Samir Scrollwarder
Keeper of the great library of Agbendor, Samir Scrollwarder is a wizard as renowned for his inexhaustible knowledge as he is for his bountiful magical powers. After spending much of his life studying the books and scrolls of…
€ 64,99 - Mythic Legions: Poxxus Thraice Wraithailer
Illusive and dangerous, the pale skinned Umangeist are thought by many to be apocryphal. A corrupt supernatural mingling of flesh and phantasm, the ashen-skinned Umangeist are all too real to those unfortunate enough to cross…
€ 64,99 - Mythic Legions: Poxxus Zende Amaanthyr
Hailing from mysterious lands beyond the shores of Mythoss, Zende Amaanthyr was sent by his guild to assist Herra Serpenspire and The Convocation of Bassylia in their efforts to quell the rising power of Poxxus. Bringing with him…
€ 64,99 - Mythic Legions: Poxxus Azahazzar
As a callous ruler of the Netherrealm, the demon king Azahazzar was a nightmarish legend feared by all. It was only when the dark god Poxxus summoned him into the world of Mythoss that the nightmare became all too real for those…
€ 94,99 - Mythic Legions: Poxxus Kalizirr
Born of an elemental fire that transcends our physical plane, the Djinn of Mythoss are an enigmatic people known for their great power and unpredictable allegiances. Considered spirits by some and demons by others, they are mighty…
€ 84,99 - PRE-ORDER Mythic Legions: Poxxus Poxxus
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∙ Bij annulering kunnen er kosten in…€ 84,99 - Mythic Legions: Poxxus Phlogeus
Triumphantly riding atop his rotting horse Phlogeus, Poxxus travels the roads of Mythoss with the intention of poisoning the realm and all those that live within.
Welcome to the Realm of Mythoss
In February 2015, Four Horsemen…€ 94,99 - Mythic Legions: Poxxus Aracagorr
The ancient Dragons of Mythoss are legendary creatures that are revered and even worshiped in some circles. Over the centuries there have been countless subraces and offshoots of these ancient beasts, with the Dragosyr being the…
€ 94,99 - Mythic Legions: Poxxus Arrizak
Once a young wizard rising through the ranks of The Convocation of Bassylia, Arrizak is a devious and cruel sorcerer bent on promulgating the word of Poxxus. Unsatisfied with the ancient approved texts of Agbendor that his fellow…
€ 64,99 - Mythic Legions: Blue Hagnon
Necronominus has returned, and the undead armies of his Congregation are called to his side. Hagnon has spent ages trying to free himself from the shackles that Morgolyth has placed upon him. Once nothing more than an…
€ 59,99
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