When will my pre-order arrive?


We receive an expected delivery time from the manufacturer (for example December 2024). Please note that this date is subject to change due to possible delays at the manufacturer. Therefore, please check the website after your order for up-to-date delivery information. We ship on a first-come, first-served basis, so your order will be processed and shipped in the order in which it was received.

If you order multiple per-orders in 1 order, they may arrive on different dates, please take this into account. If and when we receive a change in the delivery time from the manufacturer, we will adjust this for the relevant item. If it has not been adjusted, we have not (yet) received any new information. If you want to know when your pre-order is expected, please first check the item on the website.

The expected delivery date has already passed.
This means that we have not yet received an update and that we expect the item to arrive shortly.

There is no date or I cannot find the item.
It is possible that an item is on Backorder. This means that the manufacturer no longer provides updates on the expected delivery time, but that the item has not (yet) been cancelled. In some cases, an item is no longer on the website, but this does not mean that we will no longer supply it. If you would like information about an item that is no longer on the website, please let us know.

Can I cancel a pre-order?
Yes, you can cancel after your order. This can be done free of charge within 14 days after the order. After this period, we reserve the right (in the case of custom work) to charge any costs incurred.

What do I have to do to cancel?
If you want to cancel a pre-order, you must send us a completed Pre-order Cancellation Form.

More information about pre-orders

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