Order in opslag
(This text has been translated and may contain minor errors)
Your order will be placed in storage. If you would like your storage box to be shipped please let us know. If you want to pick up the order yourself, call or e-mail us for a pick-up appointment. Thank you very much for the trust you have placed in us.
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Free Shipping
Free shipping in The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany for stock items when you spend over €140.00 .
Read the Terms
Why TBHstore?
✅ Fast shipping
✅ Professional packing
✅ Up to 180 days free storage
✅ Wide range of toys & display
✅ Payment plans available
✅ Questions? Contact us
Pay in instalments
You can pay in installments without us charging any costs or interest. This is possible for both pre-orders and in stock items. Read all about our Payment Plan.